a mixture of letters that make a, (sometimes) appealing to the eye, word.
all of the definitions on urban dictionary are made up of a singular word or words
what you are reading right now. urban dictionary has thousands of words that are being defined using other words. words are things in life in which are needed. they make it much easier to live. without words people would go insane because they dont know things.
books have at least one word in the title, and many words on the pages. if you need to look up pages i suggest a dictionary in which there will not be a perverted answer to your question.
when a gangster finishes his or her sentence.
gangster- I was at my moms house playing fortnite WorD.
gang member- okay hot dog diggety dog.
word is word
word 1: word
word 2: word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word word