The process of adding an exxxtra load of nutt to your peanut butter to obtain the maximum amount of protein for your gainz
Non-gooper: Woah, James has really been looking huge recently!! He must be on gear
Pro-gooper: nah man, he's been scooping goop!
Non-gooper: ah, I see. The old goop n scoop
(si-mone-9 to the power of n) is really heavy shit that is a collaborative effort of curtain parties who are bound to play a part without boundaries or bias. Inc.UD
(si-mone-9 to the power of n) is published on(EY605792121FRref.code) * (we had to draw on the power of the enamies) for this one !
The ref.code is yet to be announced, till. ...*not a true site.
Skunty s the organzaton behnd the well known mnecraft plugn Skrpt, that allows server admns to develop 'scrpts' for ther server. Scrpts allow users to mplement functonalty nto ther server wth mnmum programmng experence. t s a substtute to plugns.
There's no n skunty, baefell.
Ryan N is a man of many things
1. Sex
2. Savageness
3. Screaming
4. And Screwing Things Up
The man brings Chipotle to school everyday and his "friends" (if he has any) gorge off the chips. He is downright irritating and is hated by 99.9% of all women on the planet earth. He is famous at his middle school for being a scummy piece of fucken shit nobody likes. He consistanly yells at girls asking if they would date him which none of them will. The only good thing about him is that he can beat his meat like a real man, which makes up for all of his imperfections.
Person 1: Is that ryan n?
Person 2: Yes the fucker who screams at our table!
A person who lives in a van but also thrives socially while they also read many fantasy books
The Word That Makes You Racist If You Say it And Can't Say Because That's Racist.
Person 1: I'm Gonna Say The N Word!
Person 1: N---- *ded*
N-Word is used to racistically say "Black Person". Was used in 19th century in USA because of slavery and racism. Today it´s used by racists or "Edge Lords".
1-Racist Swearing
2-Used by an Edge Lord(Not being racist, just sarcastic)
1-You are such an N-Word!
2-You stupid N-Word!