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UWU smol bean

Oh yes, “UWU smol beans”. They tend to only speak to you if you look “cute” or if your name is “Jake”, and also have an obsession with cookies. Every time you speak to them there’s a chance they might hit you with a “;-;”, or a “.-.”, and they average around 3’1 to 4’5 feet. They use strange legs, a weird torso, and weird looking arms to make them look smaller than they should be. There’s also a 70% chance they make “Gacha Videos” and are fake anime lovers.

Y/N: Hello! UWU smol bean: ;-; Y/N: ? UWU smol bean: .-.

by meryaleen January 18, 2021

22👍 3👎

uwu smol bean

Someone who is so annoying and stupid they crave attention for the sole purpose of being "cute" or "quirky". And make dumb faces like "UwU" or "OwO" etc.

Shut up you uwu smol bean

Brynn is such an uwu smol bean

by Skinnybarbzxo January 4, 2021

42👍 7👎

UwU/OwO catboy

The UwU/OwO catboy is usually with bright neon pink hair wearing femboy clothes, they are also small. They are classified as "cringe" in the Gacha community. Usually, the UwU/OwO catboy is seen being in a couple with the edgy wolf boy and them doing sex. People in the Gacha community likes to do jokes about the UwU/OwO catboy & their edgy wolf human boy. If the UwU / OwO catboy is black/dark, it's means that they are "depressed" and mostly because they are hated or someone stole their boyfriend, the edgy wolf boy. The UwU/OwO catboy's grammary is bad, surely because they are some kids behind the screen.

UwU/OwO catboy: Hey!~

Some random Gacha person: Shut up.*Loading gun*

by Just a random person. March 13, 2021

32👍 7👎

UwU sussy baka

When you are acting kinda SUS... 👀

You’re such an UwU sussy Baka!

by Varooo May 5, 2021

37👍 8👎

Gacha uwu cat

An really annoying cat involved with gacha edgy man, he is at bottom, he goes uwu every day and night, every time it's 9:53 am, at the house, EVERY SINGLE NANOSECOND OF OUR LIFES IT HAPPENS, HELP ME.

Man 1: I am gacha uwu cat
Man 2: (aggressively kills man 1)

by Yeyeyeydychd May 20, 2021

26👍 5👎

OwO / UwU cat

This breed of gacha is a cat femboy who is the ultimate gay bottem, they have terrorized the community of gacha, and have been the star of much gacha heat, commonly pink, but it comes in all colors, usually it seeks a master or what we call the "Stereotypical Bad boy"

OwO /UwU cat is looking for it's master
Your such an OwO / UwU cat

by 🥝🍄A mushroom🥝🍄 July 23, 2021

23👍 6👎


human trafficking in igbo found from google translate


by fandomtrash073 June 24, 2019

36👍 13👎