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Holy Name

A pretigious co-ed "Catholic" school situated in Reading, PA, about 1 hour outside of Philadelphia. Despite traffic jams, oversleeping, late carpools, and staying at home to write a paper due later that day, Holy Name students eventually show up on campus to bond over food, frees, and fake tans. Girls are both Tiffanified and pearl/ribbon belt wearing sluts, and artsy Hot Topic wearing, dyed haired rock chicks; despite "differences," everyone ends up as good friends by senior year. As far as reputations go- Holy Name is breeding grounds for sluts... HN girls are therefore no strangers to weekend bedroom excursions with Hill, Prep, Central, and of course, HN guys. As for the guys - they're notorious for cheating on their girlfriends with whoever they can find.

Holy Name girl 1: OMG, so Mary Margaret hooked up with Pat M and Pat K at Katie's house...
HN girl 2: Um, why do you care, I hooked up with him at the mixer, and then he hooked up with some Central girl...
HN girl 1: Yea, but I hooked up with him twice right after... and I want him to come to Get Together... ohhh let's go get pretzels from the receptionist!
HN girl 2: It's ok, we can ask Mike R and Mike T instead... oohhh no it's Sarah's birthday, she has cake! And then we can go get pretzels. Oh! And can I borrow your Bible?? I lost mine or something.

by Maria Lawrence September 1, 2005

39👍 28👎

compound name

When a woman hyphenates her name during a marriage or after divorce. She often will inflict this on her children as well.

"Why does that kid have a hyphen in his name? Is he from another country where they use punctuation as letters?"
"no, man...his mom made him take a compound name after she left his dad."

ex name hypohyphenation divorce

by Bluegutsoup April 8, 2010

9👍 4👎

Risky Names

The risk of posting names on urbandictionary because some editors will go ahead and post the opposite of what you posted about (Person's Name) because it is funny to piss people off that way

Hahaha look at all the losers posting those risky names on urbandictionary

by universityofmiami101010 June 30, 2009

22👍 14👎

comfortable name

The Comfortable Name, or CM, is the name you can choose to have as well as not. It works in much the same way as the name for trans people, in fact, although not necessarily based on gender dysphoria, it is the solution for those with name dysphoria.

Person 1: I hate my name so much, I wish I could be called Luke.
Person 2: Luke can become your comfortable name.
Person 1: My what?
Person 2: Yes, your comfortable name. The name you let yourself be called by, that isn't necessarily your registry name.
Person 2: Cool! Then Luke will be my comfortable name.
Person 1: Great! Bye Luke.

by Flxrence28 December 10, 2021

London (The name)

The first writing definition of the name London was not all that. The writing was short and so bland, like blank piece of paper. I’m not good at writing nor my grammar, but I will tell a somewhat definition of my London. She’s sweet, awesome, kind at times to certain people. She jokes a lot and doesn’t really care if she’s loses a friend, which is kind of strange. She’s the person who’s fun to joke with, her dark humor is a little over board but shes amazing. She’s not so good at hearing people out when they’re venting or expressing their feeling but, that’s ok. I like her the way she is. I know this isn’t really a definition but, if you ever find a London keep her 😆 she’s gonna need you, and you’re gonna need her.

L: what’s yellow and cat swim?

M: I don’t know?

L: An bus full of children
M: London (The name) that’s so dark.. 💀

by Mariscool November 27, 2021

Garcon (name)

A very loving and caring friend. He will always look out for others before himself. They are good at drawing and many sports, they are very smart with their words and is passionate and confident. You’ll be lucky if you come across these types of people, they’ll make you melt!

You should be friends with Garcon (name), he’ll always look out for others!

by astupidpersononline101 September 11, 2020

honey name

honey is a bad bitch! she can fight. period. she has a protective, funny, personality and will always eat your snacks and drinks. honey would never ever break a friendship. she will listen to music with you and vibe!!! and get u out of trouble 😉😉

you: omg do you see honey name today?!
me: yea she looking bad huh

by emoduckling April 20, 2021