A hilarious late night comedy show that aired on HBO in the mid-90s. The show's style could be described as "satirical comedy for Generation X...with Abe Lincoln jokes." It was a launching pad for the careers of David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Silverman, Brian Posehn, that gap-toothed guy from Best Week Ever that isn't Paul Scheer, and the greatest comic to ever live: John Ennis.
Plus, in this writer's experience, chicks dig Mr. Show more than chocolate and romance novels.
Frat Guy: Hey, did you see Mr. Show last night?
Sorority Chick: Did I?! That John Ennis made me laugh so hard I peed my pants!
Frat Guy: He's our generation's Tom Arnold alright! Do you wanna go to the bathroom and make some tongue children?
Cue fellatio
36๐ 22๐
The most over-used reference to a night of intoxication with friends that ultimatley leads to moments of blackness and dissaray. Girls often refer to there nights as shit shows to help exaggerate the fact they only had two drinks and want an excuse to fuck brad the dickhead down the hall. The easiest way to tell someone is new to partying is by them referreing to a night as a shit show after 2006.
"Hey Teresa , this party is such a shit show, are you enjoying your o'douls?"
1042๐ 891๐
The way your loser friend (generally has the name brad) refers to his 1997 Dodge Neon. This car has many undisierable features, like a stunning 94hp engine, and a 1 and 1/8 inch exhaust tail pipe (same size as his penis), 'bangin' 14 inch rims plus hubcap, although this car does come with complete window tinting (front and back, cause no one would be caught dead in this piece of shit). This definition can also be used by someone who thinks everything they have is much beeter then what you have simply because he attaches the words "pimp show" to it
Male or Female: hey come check out my new ride, i just got it.
Brad: Its nice but holds no comparision to "The Pimp Show"
Male or Female: Yeah (sarcasm) you got me there
10๐ 4๐
The act of which a man and/or woman gets buck nasty with any horse breed available. Usually resulting in a nasty cumshot not worth viewing if you have recently eaten.
Sean- "dude, lets go to the pony show tonight!!!!!"
Zack- "nah, im pretty sure my mom is the host."
Sean- "oooooh.....well in that case....ill see ya later, ill tell you how it goes."
20๐ 11๐
meaning of life when the original hosts adam & jimmy were still on..think sexist terms illustrated by naked blondes humping a giant penis
30๐ 18๐
a movie, being that a movie is nothing more than 32 frames a second of pictures a movie is a picture show.
Yo so it is a no go for the picture show? yo man LOTR is a sweet picture show
16๐ 8๐
A gay man afflicted with an unhealthy obsession with Broadway musicals and cast recordings.
Following an exhausting one-man reenactment of "Les Miserables," the show queen retired to his bedroom with the Bernadette Peters recording of "Gypsy."
13๐ 6๐