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Above all men. Greece name for masculine. In figure or in mind.

-Where is achilles or andreas!

by Frank1388 November 23, 2021


The best guy to know. He is handsome, warm-hearted and would do anything for his people. He is very creative and smart, but shy although he tries to hide it. He sure knows how to love his family, friends and partners. He is also known for his large (monster size) cock, which he can use very well. He looks like an Italian or Greek, probably he is one. His only weakness is his ability to love, because if an Andreas gets in love he gets in it with all of his heart. Andreas literally means "manly".

Girl: Oh my god, Andreas, your cock can't fit inside

Other example:
Other girl: Wow did you hear about that guy Andreas, he won a Nobel prize in chemistry, he is so sexy!

by Stevetsuluk November 20, 2021


Mr. big dick

Waaaauw, Andreas is really a Mr. big dick

by danishskiller10 March 27, 2017


People named Andreas are commonly smart and stupid at the same time, are highly charismatic and sooo sexy!
Also most of them are tricksters so watch out or you may fall victim to one of their shenanigans, while not particularly dangerous are as annoying as they are funny.

Steph: Omg my new coworker replaced all the photos in our office with pictures of moldy cheese!
Hans: Is he called Andreas?
Steph: How'd you know?

by dick dicky November 21, 2021


People named Andreas are commonly smart and stupid at the same time, are highly charismatic and sooo sexy!
Also most of them are tricksters so watch out or you may fall victim to one of their shenanigans, while not particularly dangerous are as annoying as they are funny.

Steph: Omg my new coworker replaced all the photos in our office with pictures of moldy cheese!
Hans: Is he called Andreas?
Steph: How'd you know?

by dick dicky November 21, 2021


1970s BUSH !!!!

Andrea has a 1970s Vietnam jungle bush on her hot pocket

by Vaultboy66 October 13, 2018


A strong male name. Andreas has a large dick. He is also very handsome. And he is always right about everything.

I wish that I had as large dick as Andreas

Andreas is very good looking and handsome

by Andreas The handsome guy November 23, 2021