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Something close-minded idiots spend part of their time degrading it, calling it pornographic and nerdy, without even watching it themselves. Only Hentai and Highschool DXD are pornographic, while the rest isn't.

Anime is like Marvel and DC, except that it is more cartoonish, much more funnier and sometimes more violent and epic (like Naruto or DBZ,) because many characters are top experiences martial-artists making it more exciting. Those same close-minded idiots have probably enjoyed Pokemon and Yu-Gi-OH!, which are also animes.

If you are going to say that Anime is trash, please watch it first.

Example #1
Guy 1: "Yo have you seen the new series of Naruto?"
Open-minded person: "No; I personally don't like anime that much"
Guy 1: "Oh okay that is fine"

Example #2
Guy 1: "Yo have you seen the new series of Naruto?"
Close-minded bitch: "EW you watch Anime? Anime is for the top-class nerds! LMAO you must be a virgin!"
Guy 1: "Have you ever even watched it?"
Close-minded bitch: "WTF no!"
Guy 1: *Proceeds to slap close-minded bitch in the face*
Guy 1: "Don't call me a virgin nerd if you never watched it then!"

by DaManWitDaNaps December 29, 2021

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The best show in the solar system.

Attack on titan, One punch man, Seven deadly sins, My life.... anime- cool

by Kids meal McDonaldโ€™s bought by December 11, 2018

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An animation that is made in Japan.

I just watched some anime on TV last night.

Naruto is anime.

by broception_15 October 3, 2019

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Kickass animation that me and my bro grew up watching on Cartoon Network.

Especially Dragon Ball Z.

Forget Hentai!!! Action Anime like DragonBall Z, Naruto, Pokemon, and One Piece hit home for me.

by Maya Butreeks May 11, 2021

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โ€œAnime is a movement. an artistic movement in the animation medium not unlike post-modernism or the French new wave in film. Everything that makes โ€œanimeโ€ anime, the big eyed aesthetic, the over-the-top action, the mature themes, the overt sexuality, is a part of that movement, agreed upon, collectively, by animators across japan.โ€ - Mothers basement

โ€œAvatar is a anime fuck youโ€ - motherโ€™s basement

by Cwalter0123 June 28, 2020

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A pretty kick ass form of entertainment

Yo bro, I here Pewdepie watches anime

by Kapitรคn March 6, 2021

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A world that you wish you were in.

Anime fandom are fucking crazy.

by Kokichis bum bum December 12, 2020

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