An “appropriate” way to swear, replacing fuck, shit, crap, etc. Popular amongst teens and young adults working with young children, particularly camp staff.
Aw Beans! I dropped my hot dog!
Shiiiii, Aw Beans!
Strong, Ambitious, Driven, Eldest
This is my son, he is the PISAO (PEE-SA-AW) of the family.
Affluent White Female Urban Liberal.
AWFULs are ruining the country!
Awful means something terrible, bad, or unpleasant.
Girl: "It smells awful in here! Can someone open a window?"
Boy: "Sure!"
*A*ffluent *W*hite *F*eminista *Ü*ber *L*efty An insufferably clueless, ideologically certified X-Chromosomal Unit who's comically myopic opinions are selected solely from the Despicable Lefty World View Cafeteria, ergo, have no standing in a fact-based Universe.
Definition by Cornelius Gotchberg
Alexandria 0CRAZY0-Cortez is a textbook example of an AWFUL
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as long as it's not a Sonic Frontiers Gameplay Reveal, it's not awful.
Angry White Female Ugly Leftists. Coined by cartoonist Scott Adams
The awfuls were protesting today at the Capital.