when someone’s doing sommat that pisses you off or is a bit sus
nah cant lie yh azo sala ba facking
a question one might ask a counterpart to determine what gang they associate themselves with
Ghost: "Yo, what sets you bag?"
Paul: "Crips"
Ghost: "Now I'm gonna have to curb stomp you"
cocky boy: “ilysm”
nerdy girl: “BOOB”
cocky boy: “you suck you just scared the ba-jesus out of me”
The sound beyonce's bodacious body makes when gyrating.
I can hear her ba jeng jeng from here!
A sussy red among us charecter who comes for you and “gets you home safe and sound” if you Call someone a sussy Baka.
Monkey: “You’re SUTCH sussy Baka!” Poop: don’t say that SUS ba will get you!!!