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This guy is never afraid not even of thots

Yesterday I was with my friend Brett any...
OMG that guy probably is never afraid.

by DyÑaMo December 15, 2018




by uhhhmmmbiitch May 6, 2021


Brett is a guy with a mcdonalds shaped hairline, brett always moons people and isnt afraid of anything. Brett plays a sport but isnt very good at it

Person 1: Brett plays basketball
Person 2: He has a mcdonalds shaped hairline

by Dee Joe November 23, 2021


A boy full of excuses

Brett defined as , someones excessively using excuses. ie. I did not come make time or prioritize time because I got lazy I was too be turning up the night before.

by mo.money24 December 28, 2022

Brett Scharff

A unique beast that usually wears moccasins and sweatpants on a daily basis. Usually located near a large abyss. His favorite food is sushi dick. He enjoys moling around in large mouth vaginas. He's a large fuckbag.

Hey did you see Brett Scharff recently? Nah man, hes a douche

by Brett Scharff October 12, 2011

brett feland

a kid

brett feland is a kid in school.

by Jakobe November 30, 2017

Brett temple

Brett is a handsome young man that been into football since a little boy he the sweetest ever he loved money and fast cars brett also is a loving person

I love brett temple ❤️

by Miasia July 26, 2023