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Cam Couillard

A tall, sexy, magnificent horny beast. He can reel you in with those seductive eyes of his. He can be a real bitch sometimes and expose your ass, but you can't be mad at him for very long. He's too erotically attractive. He has a freckle to the upper right of his belly button, and a blue blue vein, that he only shows to his angels. Nothing like the bulge of a Cameron Couillard in those grey sweatpants. He may have had his first kiss in 8th grade, but those damn lips of his are hard to resist. If you ever were to go in a garden, you may find a Cameron Couillard. A big hoe, and he know. He sure is one thief, he will steal your virginity. He'll make you spread those legs real wide. He'll make your wet dreams magical. He'll pop your cherry. Overall, Cameron Couillard is the horny motherfucker that any woman needs in her life.

If you need a man who's always ready to get down and dirty, find you a Cam Couillard.

by Cameron Couillard December 17, 2019

career advancing move (CAM)

A CAM (Career Advancing Move) is the way in which one persists with drinking with work colleagues - to the point of a CLM (career limiting move) and then from that point to not stop drinking once you get to that stage, but continue to the CAM stage. This is of course more effective if the people around you should also be boarder-line inebriated.

Wow, that guy was so drunk that he just pulled off a career advancing move (CAM).

by Shortnjocular March 10, 2015

Meesh Cam

Midget-like creature that has developed an affinity for a big Fort William dick, which it will accept in its mouth, vag or ass in any order. Pays scant regard to the five kids in the house when screaming the place down courtesy of the effects of the aforementioned big Fort William dick.

Q- Where is Tangney?
A- Probably away throwing his big Fort William dick up Meesh Cam's dung funnel.

by TattieTits January 9, 2012

National steal a cam day

On the 30th of December it is National steal a cam day. this means if you have a friend with the name cam, you can steal them for a day, and they can only respond with "Yes" to a question, or request

Ben: Hey its national steal a cam day!
Cam: oh no, not again...
Ben: Come back here you short stack

by PlebStacker124 November 23, 2021

cam nightingale

So sexy and hot and rich and hot

Wow cam nightingale is so sexy and hot and rich and hot

by Ariana run November 24, 2021

cam r


cam r is gay

by billybobschlong May 28, 2023


WHEN YOU HAVE A DAY WHERE YOU SMOKE SOME MARIJUANA AND DONT GIVE A FUCK THE WORLD TURNS BLACK THE MOON IS YOURS AS THE WORLD JUST AS MUCH MIGHT AS WELL BE EVEN IF THE SUN IS GONE THERES A TOTAL ECLIPSE ITS A VERY BEAUTIFUL DAY FILLED WITH NOTHING OTHER ONES LOVE FOR UP ABOVE AND EVEN DOWN BELOW A FAY WHERE CAM bot god became a man of morales with integrity and he decided it's his time to make a change a difference in this world it's not his he just cams it without a bell ringing no Elon musk cologne smelling like old man balls just an ah ski ski ski mother f word 369 damn that nigga cam fine he be getting high and flying low. In other words you're welcome.

Yo my nigga you see that pot god cam that niggers like the pimping of pimps since pimping was pimping the dude literally stands up for whores. Can cam ya cam can cam can cause cam can if cam can't cam couldn't so cam always can when cam can't you can't so cam is just the cam who can. Can cam? Yes cam can! The names Camren Alen Smith bitch don't forget it. Cam pot god

by Mrimpregnable May 9, 2024