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Charge It

a new from of UK slang that just means to firm something or just move on

a nigga: ah my girlfriend broke up with me bro

me: bro just charge it

by liquidchai July 31, 2022

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Charge it

Taking something from somebody and making them pay to get it back or use it. To openly steal or gank something that you want that someone else has.

Chip grabbed Tim's new hat off his head, wielding it in Tim's face and yelled "I'm gonna charge it".

by Oldschool512 February 29, 2020

Charge it

"it is what it is" "firm it"

friend "FFS man, i got scammed by this dickhead"
me: "charge it fham"

by comando-mystiriyoso. September 10, 2022

charge it

in the shortest way possible “charge it” means: it is what it is, move on, theres nothing u can do ab it.🤷🏼 ♀️

charge it tho

by thatbitch🫃🏼⁉️ August 8, 2022

charge it

u prolly seen this phrase somewhere a few too many times on ttk and are wondering wtf this means, same.

charge it tho

by thatbitch🫃🏼⁉️ August 8, 2022

charge it

basically it means it is what it is

john: "yo bro my mom died" joe: "charge it"

by ibeeninthehills September 16, 2022

charge it

Another way of saying don’t worry

I broke my leg

Charge it ur alive g

by Official Chunkz November 9, 2022