Source Code

cheeto hooping

When one approaches a scrumptiously gauged ear, and asks the gaugee if they would be willing to participate in the sacred cheeto hooping sacrifice. Once the sacrifice cheeto has been selected from the bottom of the bag, the cheeto will be probed into the gauged lobe. The cheeto recipient must enthusiastically bite at minimum 50% of sacrifice cheeto through the gauge. Bonus points: When a couple whispers sweet nothings into the gaugee’s ear. Small nibble optional.

Omg bro my girlfriend wanted to go cheeto hooping at the bar. We did it… It was kinda hot.

by chestercheetah69420 November 28, 2022

Mac n cheetos

A disgusting culinary attempt by current generation tiktokers in an attempt to get famous with their disgusting food.

Girl: "i made mac n cheetos"
You: "ewww"

by kitten fingers June 20, 2022

Cheeto Skin

When a person spray tans and their skin turns orange

Sabrina: So should I get a spray tan?
Don: Only if you want to get clowned for having cheeto skin.

by Yung Dark Chocolate May 25, 2019

cheeto jizz

The act of eating cheetos and and the orange dust that remains on your fingers!

Matt! You got cheeto jizz all over the television remote!!

by SemperSooies November 25, 2016

whipped cheeto

A whipped cheeto is non of your damn buisness

Your a whipped cheeto even tho idk what it means

by adamnpersonokay November 20, 2017

whipped cheeto

a whipped cheeto is non of your damn buisness okay.

Your a whipped cheeto even tho idk what it means.

by adamnpersonokay November 20, 2017

Cheeto dusting

When a fat ginger sneaks by with a fart. Crop dusting but with gingers only.

Gearal the fat ginger Cheeto dusting the buffet table.

by 4$$5013 August 3, 2022