Source Code

πŸ’€ Skull emoji in slang

Literally just means Bruh

-πŸ’€ Skull emoji in slang-

"Yo check this new youtube channel"


by GastropodGaming April 7, 2024

12πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

wheelchair emoji

Means a fish powered windmill machine.

Wow that guy sure is a 'wheelchair emoji'.

by EigoBani November 21, 2022

money with wings emoji

With him/her for the money

Cindy: that picture you posted of you guys together is so cute!
Hoe: πŸ’›πŸ’Έ(he got money and loves to spend it on me) Money with wings emoji

by Realtalk6753429 October 4, 2018

question mark in box emoji

It is a question mark in a box
It means you have no clue about something .

Hooman: Sup whacha doin
Other Hooman: Walking my pet fish
Hooman:question mark in box emoji.

I don’t know what it means does anyone else.The only reason I did this is so someone else sees this and tells me.

by Nvnvnguvnfuvnfuv February 2, 2022

Big emoji ball

Something i ride a-lot, good for yoga, and falling.

Tyler: yo can i buy you a big emoji ball?
August: im calling the police

by Skybluehoodie January 2, 2022


used to be cool but now if you use them any other way other than ironically, you are automatically not cool

stop spamming emojis

by urmom25582 November 22, 2021



Find me an emoji that is for letters and numbers

by Cacao January 4, 2023