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Fall City

A town in Western Washington. The people who live there are either poor as fuck or rich ass faggots. There is no police department so there is no crime cause nobody gets caught. It is mostly white-trash who live there. There is a small downtown area with mostly liquor stores. There are trailer parks and a view of the Snowqualmie River.

What the fuck is that smell?

It's pot smoke, probably from that kid from that kid from Fall City

by anymouse55 May 31, 2011

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Fall Back

Slowing down your walk in order to look at a girl's ass. Occurs mostly in school in the middle of the hallway.

Bobby: Yo, you watch the game last night?
Jim: Yeah dude, did you see tha-
*Hot girl walks off to the side*
Bobby: Dude, Fall back
Jim & Bobby: Dat Aaass!!!

by MuthaFuckinFinn June 11, 2014

38πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

falling swan

When a man falls down with his arms extended giving him the appearance of a swan falling over with his penis landing in the vagina

Dude did you hear about Kyle he falling Swan into his girlfriend

by Sealclubber 93 June 20, 2018

Niagara Falls

My period.

Girl 1: Omg you leaked
Girl 2: Yeah I know! It’s like Niagara Falls down there!

by cheesefanatic June 1, 2018

Niagara Falls

When a girl makes a girl horny.

Kennedy Jardine makes me Niagara Falls.

by kennedys_soulmate October 17, 2020

staple fall

Staple your dick to the wall, walk then fall to the gound.

I'd rather staple fall than clip your dogs nails

by Madmarticus July 11, 2021

Falling pubes

hairs that fall out of the air that have crabs on them

Ron: Hey Look a bunch of falling pubes!

by SaintRow for life October 31, 2017