The clingy smell of the food from Chipotle that clings to your fingers after eating a delicious entree from the Chipotle menu.
Wow, I can't believe I just ate the WHOLE burrito. Now I've got a bad case of Chipotle Fingers.
The nickname given to a girl who is open about her masturbation habits or used to joke about the fact she masturbates when she touches something of yours.
"Amy get your vagina fingers off my phone"
A person with hands that can stand high levels of heat.
Dang! My Mom has some awesome carbon fingers!
when a man inserts his finger into the private place of another man
"Dude. Last night I got rainbow fingered.."
"Oh. Awkward."
The act of cheating on your spouse by having sexual intercourse "Doggy-Style" while simultaneously finger banging your new partner's butthole with the Ring Finger. This act is followed by a conscious effort to not wash the relevant finger.
Bryce: So how are things going with Mandy? Made up yet?
Nate: We're doing a lot better. I got sick of sleeping on the couch so last week I went out to McGarvey's, picked up a skank, and gave her the 'ol Grudge Finger. On Tuesday I gave Mandy a neck massage and she said I needed a manicure.
A severe weakening of the fingers due to being very hungover.
Hey man, can you open this Gatorade. I've got a wicked case of hangover fingers.
Finger Shorts: pair of shorts that are short in length but loose enough for a finger to get wet.
That girl is definitely wearing some Finger Shorts.