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Dirty flash

A term used in the custom Android ROM community that refers to flashing or installing a ROM without wiping user data.

Usually only possible if upgrading to a newer version of the same ROM.

The dev said dirty flash was okay, so I don't have to wipe my user data.

by KinteLiX August 29, 2022

Flash Texting

Similar to flash mobs get a large group of people. All at once everyone texts the same person the same thing.

We just spent all night flash texting her.

by Studharker March 1, 2012

Flash Buzz

A shot of whiskey and a 12 ounce beer drank within 30 seconds and before noon.

Charley knew he had a problem when he was doing 3-5 flash buzzes a day.

by cccoop January 13, 2009

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1. The rapid flashing of your cars headlights to tell someone to move out of the way.

2. can be used on slow drivers.

3. From the term "F.U Flash", meaning "Fuck you Flash"

Driver: This bitch in his Mercury ain't gettin out the way.
Passenger: So bring on the Foo-Flash!
*flash flash*
Driver: Next time don't drive at 40km/h on the freeway!

by callumdubai August 30, 2007

flexing and flashing

acting out & or showing things in a continuous reckless matter without an effect

hey Walter is over there with his gun! don’t worry he’s not gonna do anything he’s just flexing and flashing

by countinbis March 15, 2020

lady flash

For a (group of or) individual woman to lift her shirt unexpectedly and "flash" something (or someone) with her boobs

Cassidy stood by the highway and lady flashed passing cars

by TheWalkingSPGiraffee February 28, 2015

Vag Flash

when a girl flashes her vagina to people.

all the thots be into vag flashing now!

by tommy_kingston November 10, 2015