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San Francisco 49ers

One of the best teams to ever play... like ever and their biggest fan is Merrick Page(Look him up here)

Wow the San Francisco 49ers beat the CowBoys... of course

by MrKingComp March 21, 2023

Prince Alfonso Francisco

looks like a sweet guy and also a badass. he loves snorting on some cheese powder and pillows powder.

Prince Alfonso Francisco always says "ye bro..."

by thewingerman November 24, 2021

San Francisco Hot Plate

When a dude pulls Saran Wrap over his face as his partner shits liquid poo on his face.

Tyler gave me a San Francisco Hot Plate on date night.

by CockFart44 August 3, 2022


where the most diverse personalities can all get along.

a school automatically can become number one.

donde las personalidades más diversas pueden convivir.

una escuela puede convertirse automáticamente en la número uno.

Mire, no estoy bromeando en la UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DE SAN FRANCISCO, vi a una NIÑERA Y NIÑO CISCO saliendo y, además de eso, estalló una GUERRA DE IDIOMAS sobre las MAMÁS, la palabra "qué hacen estas personas en el WPP" como se apretó en algún lugar entre el DIMPLE WHIPPLE y la gente de WB como este ZEXY FLORIDIAN de ORLANDO ha estado parado frente a este SECADOR ahora durante veinte minutos y apagándolo y encendiéndolo, ¿alguien tiene algo que AGREGAR a este VIAJE ESPACIAL HISTÓRICO y siempre que está ocurriendo aquí como NASA? Seguro que sabe cómo DIVERTIRSE.

Voy a ser SUCCINTO Y CONTINUO, ya que este CHICO DE YAHOO DICE "EL TRABAJO APESTA", así que aquí en la UNIVERSIDAD DEL ESTADO DE SAN FRANCISCO, ya que hay PROCESAMIENTO AUTOMÁTICO DE DATOS por parte de estos INGENIEROS DE FRAT súper avanzados INGENIEROS y sí, WPP tiene el resto del La carga de SEdap en cuanto a MASTICAR A LA PAR, ya que resulta ser este hecho, como se puede DECLAR, "ES LA FRATERNIDAD", pero GIRAR BÍBLICAMENTE el (SOR) o (R) It (Y) ejecuta EL SHOW.

Live translation


Look I am not kidding at SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY I saw a NANNY AND CISCO KID dating and on top of that a LANGUAGE WAR broke out about MUMS the word " what do these people do in the WPP "as it squeezed somewhere between the DIMPLE WHIPPLE and the WB people as this ZEXY FLORIDIAN from ORLANDO has been standing in front of this BLOW DRYER now for twenty minutes and turning it off and on as does anybody have anything to ADD to this HISTORICAL as well as always SPACE TRAVEL going on here as NASA sure knows how to have FUN.

I am going to be SUCCINCT AND TO THE POINT as this YAHOO GUY SAYS "WORK SUCKS" so here at SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY as there is AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING by these super advanced FRAT ENGINEARS ENGINEERS and yes that WPP has the rest of the SEdap burden as to CHEW AT PAR as it happens to be this fact as can be STATED , "IT'S THE FRATERNITY" but BIBILICALLY SPIN the (SOR)o(R)It(Y) runs THE SHOW.

He's the MAN of SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY the WPP-WB together asclots of baggage understand BUTT WE ALL D00!!!!

by MAJOR OCCURRENCE August 16, 2022

Matthias Francisco

A poopoo head with a barely functioning sense of humor that offends more people than it makes laugh. He also has too many Bionicles and a questionable search history.

Steve: “Y’know who Matthias Francisco is?”
Sally: “yeah, the guy who tried turning himself into a Bionicle?”

by Many_Small_Children June 2, 2020

Ms. Francisco

Ms. Francisco has a beautiful voice. Her voice can out power everyone's voice. Her strong wonderfulness. Is great. She reminds me a wonderful artist that has no name. She has beautiful blond hair that flows through out./ She is always smiling and she is the best teacher ever. Her talent is in the arts and she is the master at that. Her smile can make you go.. woow.

Ms. Francisco is my vocal teacher.

by .0.0l.. ovle.aG:f October 3, 2018

Francisco Fernandes

.spuoɔǝs ʍǝⅎ ⅎo ɹǝʇʇɐɯ uᴉ sǝᴉɹoʅɐɔ 0005 ƃuᴉɹnoʌǝp ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻɹǝʍod ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻǝʌᴉɹp ʇnoqɐ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻʇɐoƃ ǝʇnʅosqɐ ǝɥʇ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻuɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀ ʎʅʅɐnʇɔɐ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ ɹǝʇⅎɐ pǝɯɐu ǝʅdoǝd ⅎI .zzᴉɹ ⅎo ʇoʅ ɐ ƃuᴉʌɐɥ ǝʅᴉɥʍ ʅʅǝɥ ƃuᴉʞɔnⅎɹǝɥʇoɯ ɐ sɐ ɥsɐɹʇ sᴉ ǝɥ ʻǝsǝnƃʇnɹoԀ ʎʅʅɐnʇɔɐ sᴉ sᴉɥʇ ɹǝʇⅎɐ pǝɯɐu ǝʅdoǝd ⅎI .spuǝᴉɹⅎ sᴉɥ sɯʅǝɥʍɹǝʌo ɥɔᴉɥʍ zzᴉɹ ɥɔnɯ ooʇ sɐɥ ʎʅdɯᴉs ʎɐʍ sᴉɥʇ pǝɯɐu ǝɹɐ oɥʍ ǝʅdoǝd ɔᴉʇsǝɾɐɯ ʻǝɯɐu uɐᴉʅɐɹʇsn∀-ǝsǝnƃnʇɹoԀ ʅɐɔᴉdʎꓕ

Francisco Fernandes:"Even being upside down won't stop me from pulling all the girls."

by My10InchHandle January 13, 2023