Source Code

Xavier grammar

The best grammar

U can’t be using that Xavier grammar

by JinLin April 16, 2022

Townley Grammar School

The place that claims to be anti-racist but the management staff simps for cis white straight students. Don't tell them neurodivergent people exist!1!1

I never want to go to Townley Grammar School again.

by townleyhater November 2, 2023

Grammar Hitler

Someone who is has ignorent and biased views following their incorrect grammar refusing to except they have lost the battle.

People say I'm a grammar Nazi but jerry is such a grammar Hitler

by Saint Andrew Petersburg March 4, 2017

English Grammar

Accommodate (two c's and two m's)
Asthma (sneaky "th")
Colonel (even though we pronounce it "kernel")
Conscience (even though we pronounce it "con-chense")
Embarrass (two r's and two s's)

basically living hell ;)

Bob: English Grammar sucks!
Jeff: yessss

by REB7293_2223hfje September 15, 2020

Uber grammar nazi

A person who has nothing better to do than be a word cockwomble, a reichwank of the highest order

The Uber grammar nazi’s are out again , I got moaned at for typing they’re instead of they are

by General butz February 6, 2018

St Paul's Anglican Grammar School

A school in Warragul and Traralgon, Victoria, Australia.

"Hey do you go to St Paul's Anglican Grammar School?"
"No. I do not go to St Paul's Anglican Grammar School."

by bruhman56 December 21, 2022

Grammar Baiting

A late Argument move where someone intentionaly spels somthing wrong to see if they will correct it because if they do its a big sign they are running out of proper points to argue with

John was losing the argument until he used grammar baiting on steve, making him correct him

by Daddy Omega Thot March 12, 2019