a slip your mom needs sign in order for you to participate in the friday night circle jerk
bro 1: ay dude you got your green slip
bro 2: no my mom didn’t sign it so i can’t cum
A banterous lad who has the green power ring and fights with the Green Lantern Corps
"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No anti-banter shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my banter--Green Lanter's light!"
"Wow this new lantern is such a lad. He's much cooler than Hal Jordan"
"That's because he engages in exquisite banter, he's a Green Lanter"
The art of living in a dirt house in Minecraft for so long that grass grows on the roof.
That kid has been there so long, his house has been green topping for a month.
weed! This is what noobs use when they want to get high.
Oscar, did you bring money to buy green charms later?
Ninja assassins that fuck shit up
Want to make love to mother earth? Call the Green Team
The color of enlightenment, bliss, serenity and passion. Consists of shades compared to those found on leaves from a heavenly tree so divine that only Gods true chosen few can register them
That ganja green we smoked made me feel blissful and enhanced my creativity
On a candlestick chart a large upward trending candle.
Bro, Bitcoin printed a huge green dildo on the hourly chart!