cruise control for comebacks.
When a person has no other argument, they do the fail-safe thing that can't really be argued, they call you a hipster. Well, now you have a comeback. Just say it's cruise control for comebacks and to quit being such a raging butthurt faggot about it. Works like a charm.
What'sa matter hipster, too mainstream for you?
4๐ 4๐
Hipster is a variant of scene where they are less elitest but tend to be more obnoxicious at the same time. They step away from the "rap" and "crunx" thing from scenes and go more twoards power-pop, techno, and/or electronica groups such as Metro Station or Mindless Self Indulgence. The clothing styles, to many people, look the same as scenesters. They claim to be non-conformest and free thinkers, and will trash any other group if they pose off of hipster at all, even though most of the groups came before hipsters. An average hipster may dress in the scene style to a point, have snakebites or some other facial piecering, a scene or emoish hairdo, and wear some clothing item that went out of fasion in the 70's or 80's. Not all locations have hipsters, however. It depends on what music genres reign suprime in that location.
Hipsters don't know how to mosh at concerts!
Many preppy girls like hipster music.
13๐ 21๐
The sweatervest wearing jackasses at concerts who dont dance and then shake their heads when you bump into them because they are better than you.
Often use the word "contrived".
That fucking hipster doesnt realize that life is too short to be cooler than everyone.
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Jamie ryan look out that faggot hipster
15๐ 26๐
One of the more striking attributes of most modern hipsters, is that while professing to be experts on music and art, they have no idea who the hell Lester Young was. The fact that "Prez" the tenor saxophonist who accomponied Billie Holiday through her last years was the original Hipster, completely escapes them. Lester would not care because he was a far sharper dresser than any of these skinny little white boys... and on top of that he understood the workings of actual intelligent music. God help them if you ask them who Eric Dolphy was.
(It should be noted that Dolphy was not so much a hipster, but he is a far more obscure and musically complicated Jazz musician from the early 60s. Lester's prime blowing took place in the 40s and 50s, the hight of real hip cats)
hipster- if you want to hear somthing really wild listen to this...
julliard student- I'm sorry, they're just playing three chords on a synth and there's a squeeky mouthed girl cooing over it, I should really be practicing...
hipster- I guess you'll just never understand...
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Those three girls at school who sit near a window on the third floor at lunch and hunch over one small chicken salad with light french dressing. They make the color black apart of there wardrobe everyday and have the most awesome pair of suede ankle boots you could imagine, there hair is always lazily styled along with there make-up which now includes glittery mascara with green eyeliner and they manage to keep there shades on all day with-out getting reprimaned by a teacher, they are getting all A's in school though you hardly ever see them turn in work...if you were to walk up to them they would smirk and throw out words with more then 9 letters as there greeting, they have there own secret language which at least at my school includes the word screened. They wear purple leather gloves they got from sak's on sale and claim to have gotten everything at the local thrift store though you know you've seen them coming out of annie creamcheese more then once while talking about Urban outfitters....which if asked about will say it's a conformity store....there the only ones not wearing the school colors on the day of the rivalry football game and will proudly say that the schools football team sucks while being wooed by its more then likely going to be recurited quaterback. they secretly love the fact that starbucks is only a few blocks away and will walk there when alone and without friends....they drink there coffee light/skim with no whipped cream and no matter what season it is there getting hot coffee...there the only ones at the zoo not on a date or followed by little kids, they paint there nails the same way its being done in china.....they wear glittery bra straps with tank tops and will have vomit contest in the schools first floor bathroom..they may be seen wearing a thing or two from places like lacoste and ralph lauren but will often downplay it with a pair of shiny black skinny jeans from a place they are determined to keep secret from you..they "help" with stage crew and end up getting the most praise....consider anyone over 112pds a fat fatty but are really great friends with one of the heaviest girls in the school, they have a signature thing they like to wear each (one might wear a might wear a might always have on red shoes)and are in love with small compact cars they can barely fit all the clothes they buy into....they spend way too much on water from italy or new zeland and love to pretend to drink by buying up fruit drinks that come in mystery cans...are determined to stay thin with out working out..secretly love looking at themselves..are considered really mature though when alone with there group are really completely immature and bitchy....they volunteer at some cushy place and think YOUR stupid for not having a tutor, they hate anyone with a fake tan who wears A&F, HOLLISTER and will only slighty tolerate those who shop at rheul.....LOVE martin+osa and have a one sided rivalry with one of the popular girls....thinks cheerleading is fun for the dumb and only gives golf claps to poms because dancing is an actual art form....there cell phones are old but they have the latest and greatest ipod...they always want to borrow yours..they know they look better then everyone else and play off the reason as to why there single as every guy in the school being immature while shifting it away from the fact that there just plain mean...have been out of the country and has downloaded masses of euro music for no apparent reason..will openly talk about race....they have this funny kind of walk they do..will talk about you once your atleast 3 ft away and know you'll be okay with it because they can tell you worship them..why? you still dont know..isnt afraid to go sit in the library and may even be in the book club...thinks guys with the helmet flip hair cut are disgusting....would prefer someone older...has downed wine before 10 and always makes sure to mention there one friend in ROTC....loves high waisted military pencil skirts and high heels but will also kick your ass if your planning on getting the only pair of flats that they happen to want..never goes shopping with the group..always alone with the mom but makes sure to say how much they spent before they actually tell you what they brought...thinks walking home from school is illgeal so will wait hours for a me i sister is such a hipster...
Hipstersister:....I cant belive I had 3 kernels of pop corn...Im gonna head to the coming?
Hipster: what am I flip ill be there...oh I spent "only" 700 dollars this weekend...I forget what I brought
Hipstersister:(glaring)....oh is "that" all....ew look at that girl wearing A&F...shes a whore..
Hipster:....yeah..oh Im wearing pink to the game...forget white and orange...
Hipstersister:..oh yeah you know that korean girl.....she talks sooo white....
hipster: im korean.... sound white too
(hipster friend coming from the bathroom)....dont go in there girls from the JV cheer team are talking about the jonas brothers...
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Can be spotted making pilgimages to Williamsburg via the L.
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