Source Code

Chair Dick

The top of a chair usually used to insert anally

“That chair dick looks so fun to ride…”

by Paul Zuez August 24, 2021

green chair

The chair in a band that is reserved for the most talented skin-flute musicians. The green chair musician is unrivaled in his ability to slay that skin flute like Slash can his lead guitar!

Man did you see Jason perform last night? He is the green chair of the band for sure!

by Sir Dinkus June 26, 2019

Leather Chair

When a hot young chick rides an old weathered man sitting upright and she sticks to his wrinkled bronzed skin.

Amber got that good leather chair from Richard last night.

by SlipperyNicki July 2, 2022

Purple chair

The color of the chair is purple to represent the Loss of a son or daughter loss to overdose on drugs.

Looking over across the table to carissas empty purple chair which was painted purple to represent the loss of my sis due to drugs .

by stylepoints420 July 14, 2022

Chair cultist

An elite super based and redpilled sigma gigachad who chose to join the chair cult led by the chair.

This nigger so rarted he could never be a chair cultist

by Cheesus my sprinkles July 3, 2023

Large chair

A large chair is a chair that is bigger than a regular chair ,but smaller than a couch.

Tom:” Me and the wife just bought a large chair”.
Larry:”Dang I love large chairs. I say they are better than any couch”.

by A possum possum January 1, 2021

Burro Chair

A chair for a jackass.

Trent doesn't work hard at all. He's been sitting in the burro chair for hours.

by A-A-Ron22 December 4, 2016