Eu gosto mt de vc Sério
N desiste de mim
Vc é mt especial pra mim
Quero só melhorar isso q gente tem
Vou sofrer mt nas ferias
Isabella: A
Eu: Lindissima, falou tudo <33
Vc é uma pessoa mt especial para mim serio
Ahh sla mano ela é complicada mas eu gosto mt dela
Ela faz eu desperta varios sentimentos diferentes incrivel como ela tem esse poder
Ela realmente é uma pessoa mt especial pra mim me importo mt com essa garota meodeos
Linda Dark Gotica Metaleira Bailarina
''Isabella vc esta bem ?''
*eu chorando* oq eu faço agr ela ta super mal e o culpado sou eu
Just ya know ya average prude....... ya its tough.
Isabella wont come near me at a party , shes to much of a prude
The prettiest person I have ever met, please if you are an Isabella never feel insecure you are all so pretty I have never met an ugly Isabella and I have met like 50 of them. You are also all so kind and so many people including myself admire you for your amazing personality and looks!
Joseph: “Isabella is so nice dude”
Nate: “I know she lights up the room”
Isabella has two sides. She can be bitchy, bossy, annoying, and vicious. She can also be sweet, caring, determined, and loving. Isabella and I used to hate each other but we don’t anymore. I have been lucky enough to see her other side. ily girl
There’s Isabella… :)))
a fucking bitch who gets mad for no reason at all and then spread rumours and secrets about you, she will leak embarrassing photos of you and pull your hair. make every on hate you and ruin ur whole year. and nobody will care or hate her instead because she is pretty and she uses that as an advantage, but little does everyone know shes jst a maskfisher.
Isabella is only popular because she is pretty but has a shit personality.