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Jim Morrison

A poet, a revolutionary, best known as the leader of the 1960s rock band "The Doors". Often considered to be the original Kurt Cobain.

Although smart and talented, Jim was drawn into the world of drugs like so many other rock stars. Many speculate this was the cause of his tragic death at only 27.

Although gone Jim's legacy remains and inspires many to this day.

Jim Morrison was no ordinary rockstar. He was the Robert Frost of rockstars.

by StevenZ July 7, 2012

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Jim Jackson

1. A massive poonhound of questionable sexuality

2. One who is obsessed with cleanliness

3. One who loves musicals but has a shit taste in music

1. "Man you were a total Jim Jackson last night with that girl".

2. "You don't need to mop the floor again! You're being a Jim Jackson!"

3. "That singing was total Jim Jackson"

by Professeur Punani April 28, 2009

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jim rome

wow - how much of a fag do you have to be to be a "rome clone"???

how gay is that?????????

by u dumb fag November 30, 2004

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Sloppy Jim

Getting excessively drunk to the point of being sloppy and texting all girls in your phone and capping the night off with hiccupping. (possibly puking)

Look at Drew over there being a sloppy jim

by d and d connection December 11, 2008

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jim murphy

A grade ' A ' prick , more specifically an ignorant prick .

Jim Murphy : " I'm Jim and I'm a major prick , I Love AH and jettro Williams with a burning passion . "

by his friend taking the piss June 13, 2013

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Jim and John

Butt sex.

That ho will do anything. Homey told me was down with Jim and John.

by Trailer Screw January 7, 2017

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Jim Daniel's

The mixed drink of half Jim Bean whiskey and Jack Daniels whiskey, to form a powerful whiskey. Not meant for the weak or pigeons, must be drank as the two and no other mixture.

Guy:"bartender let me have a Jim Daniel's on the rocks"

Bartender:"what the fuck is that?"

Guy:"look it on the urban dictionary you fuck"

by el Jason January 13, 2012

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