Ugly white ass, always plays FoRtNiTe, thinks he is so cool
joshua freed is a ugly asshole.
Very cool man, he has over $20 in his wallet. He was a member of the Josh fight and though he didn't win, he killed about 5 different Joshes because he was just that powerful.
That guy is as strong as Joshua Marks!!!
A beautiful creature that rapes children's faces on a hourly basis
fuck off Joshua Dillo
He's a complete libtard. He wants to become PM for Canada *never gonna happen*. He likes to get attention from EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. He loves BDSM and Hentai on the daily!
that joshua joncas kid really likes hentai eh?
Joshua Du is a tall muscular charming man with dark dark black like curly hair. He has brown eyes and wears glasses. he loves to dab and make memes.
I wish I had a Joshua Du
Joshua Du is the best thing thats happened to me in years!
Absolutely monster of a man, could easily take 70 guys in a fight. And would most likely take your bitch. Also can be know as JM.
“Yo that guy is such a joshua Murphy”