Source Code

Red kelly

Red Kelly : When a girl gives you oral whilst you at every red light stop whilst you are driving.
How do u know if you have been the receiver of a β€˜Red Kelly’.... yr trousers and pants are down and you are being sucked off at a red light whilst stuck in traffic.

By Timmy Passion February 26, 2020

Red kelly
#publicsex #blowjob #oral #cum #redkelly

by Timmy passion February 26, 2020

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Kelly Stu

The hands down biggest bitch in the world. However, we click and she somehow manages to capture my heart.

Kelly Stu is absolutely crazy.

by Imjustakid44 February 18, 2011

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kelly delgatto


Kelly delgatto is so fucking fat

by Kswd March 13, 2017

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kelli's law

If the IQ in the room, combined, is less than your own - leave.

I invoked Kelli's Law at the last departmental meeting.

by Blaze86 March 4, 2014

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Mexican Kelly

When a fire fighter works a day of overtime, and then calls in sick on their next shift.

Julio likes to work overtime but he always follows it up with a mexican kelly.

by Turk 182 July 20, 2008

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Emilee Kelly

The most beautiful girl will ever see, all the other girls are so jealous of her because she is perfect in every way. She has blue eyes and blonde hair, and basically every guy wants to date her. She has an amazing body, and She runs Cross Country and is a sick tennis player. Emilee often makes refrences to Mac Dre songs such as "not my job!" Usually Todd's normally fall for emilee's.

Todd: Dude emilee kelly makes me so happy, arent you jealous of me?
Chris: Yeah dude congrats, ive always liked emilee kelly, shes a real catch.

by chodobenko September 20, 2009

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Tom Kelly

Irish - rhyming slang for beer belly or pot belly

'Jesus mate Tom Kelly is looking well fed these days'

'Tom Kelly just loves sausages'

by Robotkev April 28, 2009

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