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Shade of lemon

The brief instant when lemonparty.org flashes on your screen before you have time to close the window.

My coworker saw a shade of lemon before I had time to close the window.

by whatthelemon August 19, 2013

Lemon sniffer

Someone who is so unskilled at their task that they should resign to sniffing lemons so that they may have a chance of succeeding at something.

Warzone callout - you lemon sniffer!

by IT_Guy October 3, 2022

Lemon doubly


Your party sounds exciting, lemon doubly I can’t come

by Lebanesegov August 7, 2021

Lemon Lime

A term similar to "slay"; it is a positive word for doing great or fantastic.

" Oh yeah, Misha Collins and Jensen Ackles were Lemon Lime in the Supernatural."
"Actually though!"

by SukunasHubby July 4, 2023

Slimey lemon

The act of shitting on someone’s chest and cutting the turd with your piss

My girlfriend was all excited for a Slimey lemon but I just couldn’t piss all the way through my turd

by Dirty kid bill July 17, 2022

Lemon Nigga

Light skinned niggas that act kinda sweet, kinda like a lemon.

Look at Aiden over acting like a lemon nigga.

What’s a lemon nigga?

A light skin nigga like Aiden.

by LittleBill423 December 13, 2022

Fresh Lemons

A term meaning something along the lines of "cool beans" or awesome.

"Did you see that awesome movie last night?"
"Yeah, it was some fresh lemons.

by megster12345678 October 31, 2010