Sexiest and the most gay-est in class, mostly attracted to boys due to tons of rejection from girls, is very gay when playing games
Friends: Guy's there's a Thong Li in our class.
An expression of Nigerian origins. An individual who says he can do everything. But is deliberately preoccupied with insignificant things (like shopping, haircuts, cars) to the point where he has no time to try to do something -> thus never really knowing if he can do anything. In other words, one who takes comfort in not trying. Simply asserting their ability.
He's such a Me Twa Li. Talks the talk, without ever trying to walk the walk.
Matty Li is a complete form of Matthew.
Matty Li is a debater who is really good at writing pro cases
Matty Li: Jeffffie Changgggg
Jeffie Chang: Mattttttttttty Liiiiii
The most gorgeous woman on this planet, her beauty is truly astonishing
girl on tiktok that’s lwk a whole fashion icon and always drinks matcha. she’s kinda smart and plays soccer. got screamed at by trumpies once.
did you see sofia li on tiktok?
yeah she’s pretty cool
This is a certain type of lies that is different than face to face or written/texted lies. As these can be a bit more exaggerated or salty due to the undocumented nature of them.
Allison: "Did you hear about Angelica?"
Mimi: "No, what happened? I just saw her last night at Troy's party. She is still sober."
Allison: "I just got off the phone with Hannah and Angelic hooked up with Blaine and then Brendon!"
Mimi: "Telephone lies! I was there! Blaine grabbed her ass and Brendon tried to kiss her in the laundry room."