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An egotistical individual who excessively boasts their education prowess. A liberal believes they are superior to anyone who doesn't share their ideology, typically condemning all who are conservative, quick to judge. Unwavering, inflexible, unreasonable, hate-filled, and hypocritical can generally describe most liberals.

While they lambasted the Republican politician for his policies, the Liberal turned a blind-eye to the Democrat politician and his policies that killed many in his state. Hypocrisy abounds in the ranks of a Liberal.

by The John Keeler May 1, 2021

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Not to be confused with a normalDemocrat who loves America but disagrees with some solutions.
Opposite of a conservative/republican Liberals are a group of left wing democrats. Who are becoming a common and welcomed part of the Democratic Party by politicians and supporters alike. If you’ve seen people protesting or rioting and denying common facts about things you’ve probably seen a liberal. They champion themselves on SoCiAl JuStIcE, being offended by everything, cancel culture, delusion, more than 2 genders etc. way too much of crap like that to list but if your reading this you probably already know the gist of what I’m talking about. also They hate a lot of things America stands for cuz they’re soft snowflakes. They also loosely throw around the term racist or islamaphobic mostly because they don’t accept facts. And they like to shut down free speech and protest and disrupt anything they don’t agree w cuz they’re offended by everything. If you’ve seen a violent protest or almost any other protest it’s probably all liberals. Etc etc

Normal American: Why’re you protesting the death of Michael Brown?
Crazy liberal: Because he was innocent and wrongfully killed by a racist cop
American: You know he just got done robbing a store and punched the cop in the face and reached for his gun and the cop was found innocent in an FBI investigation
Liberal: That’s not true where did you hear that? America’s racist, continues to yell a chant that never actually happened HANDS UP DONT SHOOT!

by Gibby2220 August 9, 2020

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someone so open minded, their brain fell out.

liberals are so clueless these days.🙄

by marry04 July 21, 2020

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If used in a non-political sense, "liberal" simply means "entitlement"

I'd like a large popcorn, with a liberal amount of butter, please. Motherfucker does that look like a generous amount of butter? Listen, you freckled fairy Opie looking bitch ass, you better put some motherfuckin' butter, on my motherfuckin' popcorn or I will reach over this counter and cut your fuckin throat. I want a box of milk duds and whoppers too. What? Are you stupid or somethin'? You damn right I want something to drink. I got popcorn, you stupid motherfucker! What the fuck you mean, I have to pay for it, Fuck you! I just bought this fucking high priced ticket and now, you insulting me by charging me for this shit. Get your fucking manager you little fuckin fuck!

by WTFiswrongwithyoupeople March 29, 2016

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Liberals are people with left wing views. They are usually pro abortion, anti guns, they hate Jews, Christians, and Whites. They act like they go for equality. They claim to be anti Nazism however they are pro Palestine. Liberals are very sensitive, don’t ever bring up politics with them online such as Instagram because you’ll be banned in a blink of an eye. They hate it when minorities vote for Republican.

These liberals are abusing their privileges and ruining America!

by Urfluff March 2, 2020

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A split up Nazi army

The liberals are taking over!

by Non-Liberal April 12, 2019

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(In politics) left-wing parties that believe in nationalisation of services such as railways and post office along with a national health service (UK) funded by the taxpayer which supports all citizens equally regardless of personal funds. An egalitarian position that supports equal rights for all people regardless of gender, race and sexuality.

“I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.”

Paul Krugman (source: Goodreads)

by PenguinSnowball February 13, 2018

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