Mitch is daddy and I will just leave it at that😳😳
Omg did you see Mitch in them shirts🥵🥵
When you’re in bed giving your best pump to a person who’s eyes stare blankly into space as if any emotional and physical attachment to that moment are completely numb and oblivious to the current situation at hand.
Broh I was slinging the MADDEST pipe to this girl last night but she kept giving me them “Mitch McConnell eyes” and there’s zero probability that I was the issue.
Mitch kurts is the biggest tool you could imagine and he loves penis pie
You're boyfriend is such a mitch kurts sometimes.
An enigma , heard but never seen. People say he's the man. But it's never been proved.
Oh that Mitch Cruze at it again
Mitch Mitch - a young girl, who tends to be ginger, and loves willay. Her dad tends to be called Bryan and goes by the name of bry and is normally more attractive than Mitch Mitch herself. Also pretty good hugs but wish she was smaller, solid 8/10
Oh god look it’s a ginger, looks like Mitch Mitch!
Shifty West Virginian politician. Frequently fails at counting to five. Sits on a throne of lies.
Hater of teachers, children, working WV families. also hates John Denver songs, pepperoni rolls, cardinals, rhododendron, brook trout, sugar maple trees, and the WV Mountaineers.
There is no school Monday: thanks Mitch Carmichael.
A gay object call Mitch the mole plays with his cool friends that don’t like him. He is one of the most small dicked people in town and Jesus doesn’t love him.
What a Mitch the mole