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weather chatting

describing a conversation using weather chatting means the conversation wasn't covering anything important. On the contrary, it was a meaningless conversation about the weather, the kids or the latest news.

guy 1: I just talk to my boss
guy 2: what about ?
guy 1:humm weather chatting, nothing important
guy 2:I see I see...

by ThefrenchMan October 21, 2009

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blue chat

Using Snapchat to text someone. Can symbolise the early stages of an intimate relationship.

*Lisax28πŸ₯€πŸ΅οΈπŸŒΊπŸŒΌ is typing* appears on the top of the screen.
"Aw here's Lisa In the blue chat!"

E.g 2

Person: "did you guys have a date yet?"
Person's friend: "Nah still in the bluechat"

by UrbanDictionary.au January 28, 2020

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Chat Rape

1. When a person instantly messages another person as soon as they appear online, on any social media.

2. When a person constantly messages another person via text or social media.

1. "Fuck I've literally just logged on to Facebook and Ryan has chat raped me 300 times within the last 15 seconds!"

by Passport Whore August 14, 2015

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RIP in the chat

an expression used to convey deep condolence to the happening of an unfortunate event. useful to portray sympathy to the unlucky member of the group

location - a mad sesh avec a group of average Sesh-Eds...
Sesh-Ed1 - Oi think Sesh-Ed4 is having sex with his dad in the kitchen
Sesh-Ed2 - oof on that sesh-Ed1 i hope there is no mutant child as a result of these happenings
2 weeks later
Sesh-Ed4 - my dad gave me syffalise on Saturday night

All Sesh-Eds in Unison - CAN I GET A RIP IN THE CHAT

by ShanonWith6Toes November 3, 2019

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chat packing

Chat packing is when two or more people are discord packing in a server or an groupchat.

John Doe 00:00 Nigga if you dont shut yo bitchass up .........
Jane Doe 00:00 These niggas chat packing again.

by trwistonnnn October 23, 2022

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Good chat

When someone is a particularly interesting or flirty conversationalist, especially over text.

β€œHe has good chat”

β€œThe chat wasn’t good”

by FawkseyGuy January 11, 2020

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facebook chatted

Having talked to someone on facebook chat

She facebook chatted that hot guy Evan last night and casually brought it up in conversation to her friends.

by honeypig February 28, 2009

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