A summer in today's age typically includes vigorous swamp ass whilst sitting in your room looking at a screen all day. You eventually become so bored during this time that you decide to create a new term about it in the Urban Dictionary. Social interaction is limited.
Hey, what did you do this summer?
I sat in my room all day whilst sweating vigorously from my ass. Some call it a modern summer.
someone who you hang with and just you’re joe for the summer
yeah she my summer hoe
These people usually only come out when the sun is out and they have the sudden urge to lay and sit on grass and talk to thier freinds.
Person 1 ;Hey look over there
Person 2 ;Those people sat in the grass :S
Person 1 ; Fucking Summer Grazers!
Donny: "We got 8 inches of snow overnight"
Jammy: "Thats just a normal Canadian Summer for me"
Dan: I gave my girlfriend a canadian summer and a snostorm last night
The summer decided on by a group of friends in which yes is said to every opportunity whether it be horrible and dangerous or simple. A summer to experiment and ultimately potential ruin your life at least for the time being.
Summer of yes fucked me over I have 3 stds and I should have slashed more tires.
The most polite and ingenious way of saying knockers known to mankind.
"Do you like my Summer muffins?"