Her: Honey, the bugs are nasty down here
Him: I'll just wear some Northern Minnesota cologne
At northern secondary school whenever there is a fight, even if it starts off as a fistfight someone will always get passed a knife and some point and then all goes to shit.
“Have you ever seen northern fights without a knife?”
A similar, though more monstrous version of the Cornish Torpedo. A humongous stealth turd which slips quietly into the night, without trace.
Simon’s full English came back as a Northern Echo!
Northern girl who backchats a lot and never listens.
Nigel: oi m8 she is a right mouthy northern bird.
Dave:I can attest to that.
The most delicious ginger ale on planet erf. It was discontinued in 2020
Northern Neck Ginger Ale was the best.
The sharp, real ginger flavor that Virginians know and love. The unique family recipe, including extract of ginger root,
Northern Neck Ginger Ale was the best ginger ale.
Females with blonde hair from the northern part of the United States. Group is specifically attracted to certain attributes in males. One being an excellent chin.
Bill: “What’d you do over the summer Luke?”
Luke: “Oh, I fucked the shit out some northern blonde chicks!”