A person who is still in the hood and/or gang-affiliated after two generations of YG’s have come through
Pay homage, that homie is a double OG.
A small limp tiny Woody/boner which is usually pale white.
Boy you look like a og white bone.
Basically a roblox original gamer is when you played the game since it first came out or a little after that. You don’t have to be the “OG” of roblox you game be og on a game on roblox.
Roblox og person will kick your ass!
Two hot guys who live in Norway (trofors) and everyone go listen to their songs my favorite song is bae<3 and Marcus is in a relationship with Tea and Martinus is in a relationship with Sofie. So don't try to take them away from us
Hei er du Marcus og Martinus ?
The drink version of om nom nom; tasty beverages of the alcoholic nature.
Man, let's go og grog grog on some booze and get schwasted!
A demon that lerks among discord servers for his next victim-This demon he goes by the name of mailman he’s a so called “menace” he enjoys the misery of others around him.
Og mailman was a menace
OG Spix is a youtuber from Shropshire, England. He loves Horrid Henry and has a mind breaking 160 subscribers.
He makes 40 minute long uncut rocket league and Fortnite videos
"OG Spix uploaded to youtube again!"
"Time to touch myself for 45 minutes straight again..."