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the patrick star

The patrick star is when every appendage you have is inside a girl. Basically you are having sex with six girls at the same time using every part of you that you physically can. It is theoretically the most poon a single man can ever snatch.

Friend 1:"Did you here about Jeff?"
Friend 2 :"No man, what happened."
Friend 1: "Dude, he pulled off the patrick star!!!"
Friend 2: "He is a god among men."

by Red Rooster Ln November 21, 2015

9👍 2👎

patrick ball

a game were you flick a pen into a gap often between gas taps fishcakes and Kris agar are not good enough for the premier league.

i just came back from playing a game of Patrick ball.

by j leafy November 29, 2016

patrick lewallen

A sexy beast, mostly known for how loyal he is even when every girl is attracted to him. Has many hoes but if he feels something strong towards you he'll stick with you. Is very talented in music and sports. Also has a THICC penis.

Oh shit, that's Patrick Lewallen! Man I wish I was him!

by PatRichForeva April 9, 2017

Uncle Patrick

A white person who hates the fact that they are white, or think that mistreatment/discrimination of (a white person because they are white)/white people is justified.

Person 1: It's impossible to be racist to white people and they should be discriminated against.

Person 2: But you're white...
Person 1: I don't care
Person: Oh you silly Uncle Patrick

by hulk_1982720 August 8, 2023

Patrick Stump

the most FEDORABLE dude on teh planit.

me: hey have you heard about that Patrick Stump He's so cool!

fren : yea he's F E D O R A B L E

by Ya Boi SkinnyPenis January 5, 2019

Patrick's leg

An oddly shaped penis, that looks or appears like Patrick Star's leg from the hit kids show, Spongebob Squarepants. The genitalia itself is often short in length.

Why don't you shove your Patrick's Leg in me?

by Wimetime December 14, 2016

Patrick Johnson’ed

Verb: To steal, eat and finish something that doesn’t belong to you. Typically done behind the back of one of your colleagues.

Oi mate, I just proper Patrick Johnson’ed the shit out of those biccys.

by jonnybaldwin December 15, 2016