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Full Pig

when you go to an all you can eat buffet and stuff your face until you get tired

When I go to Golden Corral, I go full pig on that food

by goddamnilikeit February 18, 2015

Pig Hold

To hook a sexual partner by the nostrils using only the index and middle fingers. Works best from behind!

Awww man, I had a right rough bird last night. Had her in the Pig Hold and everything! She fucking loved it!!

by Ellerwhore August 6, 2010

lay a pig

The act of defecating at a friend's, relative's, acquaintance's, or random stranger's house without flushing the toilet. This is done in a casual, or forgetful, manner and the feces is usually never found until the culprit has left.

Dude, Matt, I just went to drop a dog upstairs, and Al totally decided to lay a pig. You gotta flush that shit, man.

by SatelliteDaddy June 14, 2010

Pig Oil

Pig Oil is used by gym junkies who continiously abuse performance inhancing drugs & lift bulk weights

Check out that dog over there on the squat rack, hes been abusing bulk Pig Oil, I always see him doing squats with them other juice monkeys

by Mac dad April 24, 2020

Vulture Pig

Vulture Pig (n.) A person who circles and preys looking for scraps of other people's foods, snacks, or items that don't belong to them.

You are not going to finish your salad and as you're walking to the garbage, your Vulture Pig coworker looks at your leftovers and says, "Don't throw that away, I'll eat that!"

by jaimazing March 12, 2015

Kick this pig

A Very Old Southern term for the starting play of a football game. A kickoff is at the beginning of the each game which used to be played with pigskin or animal skin footballs. Adapted meaning over time to many things as a way to say....
Let’s get this started

The gang’s all here let’s kick this pig!
If we are ever gonna get anything done, we gotta kick this pig.

by OD3 August 13, 2018

screw pig

A woman who will sleep with anyone.

I drilled that screw pig all night.

by DaHolmes January 29, 2023