supposedly, the reason bostonians and new englanders say 'drawring' and other words like that
if you take the r out of 'car', etc, it's gotta go back somewhere
bostonian: "my kid was drawring a cah in school today."
explanation: conservation of r's
14๐ 3๐
Shorthand type used by u-typers, the childish internet users who are too lazy to type the proper amount of letters contained in words. This results in the mutilation of proper written English.
U-typer: u r a fag.
Me: You are un-American. Please die in a fire.
360๐ 164๐
A subreddit that shows people having strokes/seizures while typing
I'm finna go home and look at r/ihadastroke
23๐ 6๐
American fantasy novel writer. Best known for the ASOIAF series. He loves killing children, raping mothers, beheading fathers, swords, dragons, dire wolves, thrones and many more things like this in his books. He lives in New Mexico, Santa Fe.
person1: Did you read ASOIAF series?
person2: The one who george r r martin wrote, huh?
A group of 15 year olds can ruin everything. From subreddits to specific TV shows such as "Phineas and Ferb" and "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" . They post unfunny "Kono Dio Da!" memes and and think that playing "Giorno Theme X Megalovania" on public transit is peak of comedy. They are toxic, they're annoying, and they're pure garbage. If their leader says that he watches a TV show they will ruin that TV show. If their leader will play a specific game like Minecraft, they will ruin it too! r/PewDiePiesubmissions users AKA PewDiePie fans are the WORST that can happen to any Fandom.
1: God damnit! PewDiePie said that he never watched Avatar! Now unfunny 15 years olds at r/pewdiepiesubmissions will ruin in with God awful memes and """Hilarious""" references!
2: For fuck's sake...
27๐ 8๐
The most popular means of copying music, games, graphics, programs and digital information in the modern computer age. Now more popular than cassettes.
At Best Buy they are selling Memorex CD-R's for $4.99 after a $10 rebate!
20๐ 5๐