Chess slang word, abbreviation of word "Sacrifice".
In chess, a sacrifice usually means a move that gives up a piece with the objective of gaining tactical or positional compensation, maybe even straight checkmating the opponent. Also, often used while capturing a piece of a lower value with a stronger piece, especially a Queen.
1. "...and if he takes, then you can sac your Queen for his Rook and the Pawn is unstoppable!"
2. "He ignored the threat , so I immediately sacced my Bishop for the h-pawn, opening up his King's position."
When 7 or more people gather to hug trees and splatter cow shit at eachothers faces before bathing together
Look over there they are sacing
A shortened version of the word „sacrifice“, commonly used in chess
when someone doesn’t change there underwear at a sleepover you could say they have sacs