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Magic Shave

An American brand of chemical depilatory shaving-related products and other personal care products

Magic Shave Partners with Marvel's Luke Cage

by SPrice1980 April 27, 2023

Penis shavings

when you sucked a dick for so long you feel like your still choking on it

Damn!!! I just got some good dick from Demetri. I still got penis shavings in my throat

by loserwithanameandthroat November 22, 2016

Penis Shavings

when dick so bomb you could still feel yourself gagging on it

Damn! I just got some good dick from Demetri. Girl I got penis shavings. It's been 20 minutes

by loserwithanameandthroat November 22, 2016

shave the brain

Holding your scrotum in you fist so the testicles are squeezed tight making them look like a veiney brain and then proceeding to shave the hair off of them

Dude, I had a date with a smoking chick last night, I had to o make sure to shave the brain before I met up with her because she looked like she gives hummers

by marklarthewelby September 5, 2021

The Shaved Ballsack Drink

1 1/2 Parts Suntory Whiskey
Half Ounce Lime Juice
Half Ounce Triple Sec
Two Parts Passion Fruit Juice

Nick: “Yo Ryan you want to try The Shaved Ballsack Drink I made??”
Ryan: “WHAT?!”

by SirGrammarNazii May 26, 2023


A Sexy Black man with a larger than average sized cock!
An expert under the sheets.

friend: Did you have fun last night?
you: Yea, the guy i was with was such a Shavee!

by Nugget lord May 8, 2016

Shave the Quail

1. Term used to denote taking the feathers off of game quail after the hunt before preparing for cooking.
2. A play on words for the popular phrase: "Save the Whales"..."Shave the Quails"

On the Official Website of Slab-City, there is a picture of the first guardshack upon entering Slab City, where the local residents painted "Shave the Quail", in protest of the hunting that diminishes the Quail population in the local desert area. A reference to hunters "shaving the quail" to eat, whilst the local population "saves the quails" by throwing out cracked corn to help them multiply.

by Quail Saver July 16, 2013