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tax slave

A worker who pays a high percentage of his/her salary to the government. A tax slave isn't a slave, per se, just someone who perceives that they pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. That said, people who perceive themselves as tax slave don't always take into account public benefits like roads, water, electricity and other infrastructures supported by their payments to a governing body.

After it was found out she ran a marathon, it made the tax slaves feel better when the woman was made to pay back disability benefits.

by The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh July 21, 2014

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Slave driver

A slave driver nowadays is any definition you bullshit people into reading.

Dan and Jim assumed Bill wanted them to do some things he wanted to get done, so they went ahead and did it and bitched about Bill being a slave driver. They also assumed he was a slave driver based on what he looked like. They didn't find out until later he didn't want anything from them, not their help, not their presence, they didn't want to be around him and he didn't want them around him either, even though he never gave any indication he wanted them around.

by Solid Mantis July 24, 2018

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"rappin like a slave"

someone who raps (or talks) about backwards a-political or self hate type shit.a sambo/sellout type that says what massa wants to hear(ie;record execs,corporate tyrants,or uncle sam)..pro-market words or lyrics that would make a slave master proud.

that dude wearing that red,white and blue shirt over there, "rappin like a slave"...them uncle tom preachers be "rappin like a slave"...a lot of money motivated rappers be "rappin like a slave"..dude snitchin,"rappin like a slave"

by reverendtriggafiinga September 18, 2008

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wage slave

Someone playing the victim, who works in a place voluntarily but wants to pretend there's an obligation forcing them to be there.

"You ain't no wage slave actually, honey. Door's over there! Woss stoppin' you leavin' if you likes? Why nuttin! Nuttin stoppin you leavin at all. So stop your moanin' an pretendin' an get real."

by Colin 100 October 30, 2015

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credit card slave

A person working to pay off huge debts.

Freya didn't really understand how credit card interest rates work, and ran up large debts during her college days. Now, she is a credit card slave; because most of her salary goes into paying them off.

by Joe Rodolico January 23, 2007

90πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

become Romkaq's slave

Start following someone’s instructions without self-interest. In this case, human, who become Romkaq's slave looks in the eyes of others a complete idiot.

Be careful! These guys very dangerous. You may become Romkaq's slave.

by Rikitakitoo August 10, 2019

California Slave Ships

A slang description of the fleet of more than 30 prisons in California who stockpile felons instead of rehabilitate them.

Those California Slave Ships have been my husband’s second home since he was a very young man.

by Dr Bunnygirl March 13, 2019

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