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Dirty Soy Sauce

When a guy named sully pours soy sauce all over his body, then tempts others to suck it off using any holes in their body (e.g. their cock, nose, arse, etc).

hey I'm going to do some dirty soy sauce tonight

wanna join me. it will be fun as fuck

by dirtyjondefinitions May 18, 2018

Soy Sigil

The Deathly Hallows symbol from Harry Potter, except that it's being brandished on the bodies and/or vehicles of Soy Boys, Soy Girls, or other other Muggles for the sake of attention-seeking. Its use is usually a red flag for someone possessing radical extremist liberal beliefs, so those found wearing it should be avoided or approached with caution.

As I was walking through the parking lot, I became uneasy when I noticed a Prius with a Soy Sigil plastered on it, next to a Bernie 2016 bumper sticker.

by Ron Jeremy-Weasley January 30, 2020