One who successfully exercises the art of changing the topic of a social media status by posting a comment that instigates a conversation or argument about something irrelevant to the status.
Sally's Status: "I just had a baby... I am so excited"
Johnny Boy: "I just started a new diet"
Timid Tim: "Boy, I've been thinking about starting a diet myself, but I'm concerned it won't work for me"
Johnny Boy: "How have you been Tim, sounds like you're still timid."
*conversation between Timid Tim and Johnny Boy commences*
Sally: "You're a status ninja"
A new way to express a current status of relaxation. Any status can be expressed by replacing the first word with an adjective.
jonny: "dang dude that was some good stuff"
chris: "Blown status!"
Jonny: "dude, lets go to a rave!"
chris: "Gay Status!"
A status on Facebook with no sex, no relationship status, and no interest in anyone of the opposite or same sex.
I am changing my profile back to "worm status" as I was getting too many annoying sidebar ads for dating sites.
Basically, how gassy you are. A Fartial Status can be checked after eating at a place that gives you the shitz, such as Chipotle, Taco Bell, McDonald's, and many others.
A fartial status can be ranked on a scale of "I'm fine...", to "SOMEBODY PLEASE KILL ME NOW!!!!"
Person 1: My stomach hurts like Hell...
Person 2: How is your fartial status?
Person 1: I think I'm gonna explode when we get in the car.
Person 2: Oh Hell no! If it's THAT bad, you're walking! You're not stinking up my sick whip!
Something that deserves to be on a billboard for everyone to see
Guy 1: Dude did you see that sick "Tantrum to Blind" I landed on the wakeboard?!
Guy 2: Yea dude, that was so sick , definitely Billboard Status.
The act of avoiding someone because you would rather have the head of your dick pierced than to talk to this person.
Damn, Lisa has been giving me the duck status all week.
A person that updates their facebook status with information readers know to be untrue, overtly obvious, or showing a lack of common sense.
"Stacy's facebook status says she's got a paper due today that she completely forgot about."
"Hmm. At the party last night she kept complaining about having to write it."
"What a status idiot."