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Indie Kid

Someone who isn't into most of the trends, but won't ostracize you for liking mainstream stuff. Are not hipsters, who are douches about blabbering on about the countless bands they can name. Rather, indie kids like counterculture stuff, but aren't vicious and venomous like punk kids or emos.

Indie Kid: "Did you hear the Nightbirds latest album?"
Normal Kid: "Um, who?"
Indie Kid: "Oh, there just a band I like. You should give em' a listen sometime. You might like them."

by Mr_WongDong May 18, 2015

Indie Cindy

Is a phrase coined by indie band Hadouken!, from the song "That Boy That Girl".

"That girl's an indie cindy,
Lego haircut and polka-dot dress,
I don't care if she thinks she's indie,
How she's different is anyones guess".

The term is actually a piss take of indie wannabes, and the stereotype of indie kids. Dumb, naive indie wannabes then change their myspace name to "indie cindy" trying to be cool, or show the vast knowledge of indie music lyrics. All the time actually looking like a complete moron.

Fake indie girl: Hadouken are well bum, I'm such an indie cindy.

Real Indie Girl: Your a complete fuckwit, please die in a tent fire.

Fake Indie Girl: Oh my days, I well need a lego hair cut! That would be so safe!

by RollWithMatt January 24, 2009

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Indie Scenester

A teenager that doesnt like labels. She has 15 pairs of awesome jeans but wears the same pair of jeans 3 times a week. She is extremely unpredictable and will go to school wearing dark jeans with plain V necks, then will come to school wearing neon yellow pants. She doesnt do what she's told and isn't very confident but will come off being the most self obsorbed person ever. People dont really care what she has to say,, unless theyre her friend which she is the RADDEST person they know,, doesnt really have solid group of friend just 3 really close ones and 5 distant ones, she hangs around the goth kids but will spend the night at the most Unpopular, ugliest girls house that she doesnt hang around at school with at all, mostly because nobody asks her to do anything. She claims to be an alcaholic and chokes down vodka everynight to prove that she is.

look up Rayy Triangle on facebook or Christofer Drew there indie scenesters.
(rayy triangle use to be a scene queen but is now an INDIE SCENESTER! EVEN BETTER! YEEEHAAWWW!!!)
I wish I was an indie scenester :(

by your super awesome boyfriend March 9, 2010

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indi nigga

indi nigga refers to indian rappers, its a gangsta term.barely used by ne one xcept for showin respect to a rapper from india..

dontcha mess with him hes a" indi nigga" !!

by rackster January 4, 2008

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Indie Model

Someone who is intentionally and obnoxiously "indie".

Shelbie Sykes is an indie model.

by Ghostbird January 21, 2009

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Indie Games

Video games that are developed/created by a single person or a small team. They are usually more unpopular than the "bussinessy" games (ex. Minecraft, FIFA, Fortnite, etc.). In my opinion, it's quite an underrated genre of video games, as video games we're made to be fun and creative, not as a serious business, driven by money.
They also have a very active Fandom, in my POV I see that the Indie Games HAVE the most active Fandom than the businessy games.

Examples of Indie Games: Omori, Undertale, Deltarune, Yume Nikki, etc.

Gamer: I love games!
Indie Gamer: Me too!
Gamer: You like Minecraft?
Indie Gamer: Noo.. I like Indie Games!
Gamer: wut

by A regular handle February 16, 2023

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Team Indie

A totally hardcore and awesome duo, made up of Indie Boy and Indie Girl.

Also the name of a Mix CD made for Indie Girl by Indie Boy.

"OMG, who were they?! So AWESOME and HARDCORE!!"
"Don't you know? Dude, that was Team Indie!"

by Jamhos March 1, 2008

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