Nathan.H - giving cold callers a titwank at the door
Oh hi, yes I'd like a nottingham knocker
Like the devil's doorbell, but for your dick instead.
Giles: Why are you so happy today, John?
Steven: Last night, Kyle let me wrap the Devil's Knocker.
Giles: Nice!
Sherry: You look tired today!
Alex: I know, I was up all night ringing the Devil's Knocker.
Sherry: Nice!
A game where large-breasted women take turns slapping a guy's dick with their boobs. Each slap needs to be harder than the last. The game lasts until either the guy comes (he wins) or someone breaks his dick (she wins). Very dangerous.
I left the party because a game of clobber-cock knockers was starting up, and I didn't want to be there for that shit.
The act of giving someone a cock-knock ie punching a male in the genitals. However, the perpetrator (recently after defecating) crouches trouser-less over the recipients head. Subsequently, as a result of the blow, the recipient raises their head in pain, burying their nose into the executor's muddy anus.
As Terry drunkenly slept, Derek crouched over him, ready to deliver the cock-knocker brown.
an easy one; a piece of cake; not difficult to do or achieve
Billy, that test was a knocker man. I killed that shit.