French body is when a thin or slender woman looks good, but has zero muscle tone, like her arms are made of memory foam. She looks like her diet consists of wine and cigarettes.
That girl is hot, but she looks like she has French body.
A terrible experience when you abruptly get punched in the fuckin face with a catastrophically intense high (usually with psychedelics But this can happen if weed takes a while to hit you and you just ripped a fat dab straight to the dome) that alters your conscious mind to a state of pure delirium where you have zero control because you're now watching your life from a 3rd person point of view.
*drops acid
*90 minutes later
"Bro, this shit's bunk af, I ain't even trippin.."
*turns around to walk through door
*body flood hits
*door walks through you
*standing there paralyzed watching yourself from the perspective of God.
You're fucked now..
slightly out of shape, not as tan and you would like to be and hair gone darker
not happy already setting goals for the perfect bod for summer.
girl one: summer is coming i need to get back to my bikini body
girl 2 : hit the gym to the rid og our winter bodys ?
Girl 3: after this episode lol
A movement that aims to stop this culture of Instagram perfection and show what’s real. Real bodies aren’t perfect, they have cellulite and stretch marks and moles and rolls, and these people aim to show that.
Despite the word “body” being in the name of the movement, it’s actually a focus on mental health and how you shouldn’t sacrifice your mental health in the name of having a “perfect” body
*post's picture showing cellulite and captions it #Body posi
Chill; anyone can get along with this type of person
Dyson is a cool body, you never see him in any drama with anyone.
The upper area of a females body, which can cause severe damage when excessivley large and in the 'Girl On Top' position.
Damn Girl! Those Body Cannons look like they could kill someone!
The ground game in MMA
Wanna go to the gym and play body chess?
Chris: "I'm no good at chess, lets play body chess instead!"