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Law of Cult Favorites

A law that states that no matter how bad a movie, tv series, etc. is, there will always be a group of people who consider it a favorite.

Despite what the majority think, the Law of Cult Favorites states that there are people who really like Mama-Mia by Abba.

by TheCrazyGrunt October 22, 2008

Longi cult day

March 27 is Longi cult day because it was founded on that day. If they don't know then give them a punishment.

Friend:Do you know what day it is?
Other guy:No
Friend:Its Longi cult day
*Friend punches him and cuts his willy off*

by LONGICULT October 19, 2021

Blue Oyster Cult

When you strap a cowbell to your partner during intercourse and shout "more, more, more!"

Yeah, I Blue Oyster Culted her last night.

by MHMHMH November 18, 2012

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chill-ville cult

any size group (of two or more like-minded individuals) in which the primary activity (at almost a 'religious' level) is to "CHILL" (i.e.: lay on the couch, relax, drink alcohol, smoke marijuana and or cigarettes, read books, watch movies, etc.) instead of working, finding a job, exercising, cooking, cleaning, doing chores (dishes, laundry, mow the yard, pay the bills, etc.) ..... somewhat synonymous with "couch-potato-ing" but at a much more intense life-style level

CLOSE synonyms: lazy, couch-potato, 'slacker', bump-on-a-log (chill-ville cult is the "on steroids" version)

by Fairy GodmotherX August 29, 2010

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Sonic CulT

The best Sonic site ever. Also a place where a radioactive hedgehog can be found. Look for a Sonic look alike that's dark yellow, with red eyes, that's the radioactive hedgehog. Also a place where some Snifits can be found also.

by Nebulex The Radioactive Hedgehog July 7, 2003

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Cult of Katima Mulilo

Little-known pseudo-religious organization based in the Namibian town of Katima Mulilo, where the organization's beliefs are said to hold sway over the locals too frightened to challenge its precepts.

According to myth, the cult bases its doctrine on the teachings of Giordano Bruno, the wandering 16th century Italian philosopher. Many are familiar with Bruno's travels to the far reaches of Europe, including France and Britain, but few are aware of the importance of Bruno's journey up the lush Zambezi River.

It was during this trip that Bruno formulated the ideas underlying his earliest works "De Umbras Idearum" (The Shadows of Ideas) and "Ars Mernoriae" (The Art of Memory). The central proposition of these books was that ideas are only the shadows of truth, a proposal that, when it's logical implications were fully realized, would lead to Bruno's being burned at the stake in 1600.

The Cult of Katima Mulilo's most cherished document, however, is Bruno's treatise "Cábala del Garañón como Pegaso con la Adición del Asno de Cilene" (Cabala of the Steed like unto Pegasus with the Addition of the Ass of Cyllene). This work deals with the pretensions of superstition through the allegory of the "ass", a figure to be found everywhere, not only in the church but in governments and colleges and particularly on the internet.

The members of the Cult of Katima Mulilo are rumored to have the numeral "152" tattooed on there lower necks. The significance of this number appears to come from the list of 219 heresies compiled under Pope John XXI in the 13th century. Heresy #152 was the view that theology is based on fables.

Unrest in the Caprivi Area is also attributed to the Cult of Katima Mulilo, where calls for an independent state (which have led to frequent border skirmishes involving Namibia, Botswana and Zambia) are supposedly sourced in the order's doctrines.

One of the most persistent rumors involving the Cult of Katima Mulilo centers around the basketball camp hidden in the Mahango Game Reserve, not far from the Popa Falls. Here, the Knights of Pfftt are said to use the teachings of the Cult of Katima Mulilo in their training of solid post-players, although currently it is unclear whether this is just fable.

Although no one has ever openly aknowledged being a member of the Cult of Katima Mulilo, local heavyweights suspected of being members include President Sam Shafishuna Nujoma, Prime Minister Theo-Ben Gurirab and sports guru Omon Davenbos.

by Mr. Pfftt April 10, 2004

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Brotendo cult

A merit based cult created by a Canadian immigrant named "Maximus Wellington" aka "obsster". Obsster came to this country and he created the brotendo cult. Anyone who is in the cult but is found worthless by obsster is banished and exiles to the realm of the 'forgotten' in the realm of the forgotten a person will either be a bronie, bromigo, or a bronegro all based on what got them banished. The clan revolves around dank memes and is being sought after by the CIA. Obsster currently has several death warrants and is as allusive as Bigfoot. Only members if the cult get to see obsster. Obsster is basically the Charles Manson of the meme world. Their gang sign is the 🅱️ emoji.

I just joined the Brotendo cult .
I like the Brotendo cult nigga.

by Brotendo dong November 30, 2017

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