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On Homie Shit

The absolute one thing the boys cannot lie upon. If you do choose to lie the ultimate punishment is guilt. The boys will shun you and be extremely disappointed in you. One time I heard a kid lied after saying “on homie shit” and he was never seen again.

1: “Bro did you and her really hit it off last night?”

On homie shit we did!”
2: “dude say on homie shit you didn’t eat the last donut.”

“ on homie shit I didn’t, I swear”
3: “I dare you to jump in the fountain”
“On homie shit?”
“On homie shit bro”
“Ight bet”

by Homie king July 12, 2022

dick homies

When you homies and it’s ok to share dick.

Andy: Hey Dana, we homies right?
Dana: Fa sho
Andy: Let me get some dick
Dana: Bet, we dick homies now

by DezyWall January 5, 2018

Broke Homie

Materially less fortunate, but spiritually RICH homies. They tend to only be down at the current moment and have high spirits about getting their lives back on track.

Look at those Broke Homies over there, I wonder if they ate today.

by imsofirst August 26, 2019

Homie Chicken

A chicken with a beanie, sunglasses, chain necklace, and martini

Plural: Homie Chickens

A group of weirdos, who, when you get to know them are actually pretty amazing. They sit at the loser table during lunch, but its really because they are just superior. The reason why? Its because Cape Cod Jalapeno chips are their favorite.

"Why is there a chicken with a beanie drawn on the whiteboard?"
"Oh, that's a Homie Chicken"

by GefferywithaG May 11, 2021

Homie Hamburger

A sexual act were one man is designated as the bottom bun. Another man lies over the bottom bun placing his dick inside the ass of the bottom. This act is repeated creating a chain of men stacked on top of one another with their dicks inside the man below them until a top bun is designated. This act is completely straight and not homosexual at all.

"Yo Rhett, are you going to be at the Homie Hamburger tonight?"

by Cumlord225 December 17, 2021

small homie

The short person in the group who is homosexual and has no real talent

"Is small homie coming"

"Nah I think he fell down the stairs and died or something"

by Big Mexican Daddy December 11, 2019

mahogany homis

The highest level of "homis"

Someone who is truly stupid, at a high level

You sir are a "mahogany homis"

by THUNDER_BUDDIE71 June 8, 2014