A saying Troy made up at Virginia Tech meaning he has to tell the truth but regrets it... It is spreading in popularity as we speak
I'm not gonna lie, but you are fat and ugly
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something u say after someone says something you don’t agree with , used a lot on stan twitter
person 1 : bts’ album flopped!! blackpink outsold
person 2 : me when i lie
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A formal declaration that what you are about to speak is plainly the truth. Although sometimes used deviously as a preamble to an actual lie.
i aint gonna lie , Tyrese got hops but he can't dunk on no 10ft rim.
A popular derisive nickname for the right wing American political operative, hitman and lobbyist who is a profligate liar and who is also soon expected to run for the Senate.
Right outta the starting gate since he was recruited by 45 to intimidate Jeff Sessions, Corey Lie One Downski has demonstrated his capacity for criminal behavior and deep disdain for the truth.
usually agreeing with someone's statement who is being honest or expressing guilt.
Tone:"Damn, my breath is stankin'"
Pete:"Man, you ain't never lie"
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'Advice' given when a woman will inevitably be taking part in unwanted but mandatory/inevitable sex, usually with a partner but sometimes attributed to rape.
Apparently the phrase began in Edwardian England, when mothers would give it to their daughters on their wedding nights- this would be then first girls had heard about sex. Basically, think of the good the children could do the country (could become soldiers, doctors, etc).
No matter geographical location, 'England' should always be used- don't go about saying 'lie back and think of 'Murica' or 'lie back and think of India'. People will think you're a right ninny.
Sue: Ugh, Brian's convinced me to sleep with him tonight.
Anna: You'll be fine... Just get it over with. Lie back and think of England.
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The rare /phenomenon in which each man in a room is caught in a snafu of being in the middle of a sticky situation. This causes compulsive lying where each guy builds off the other man's lie. It is the most flawless of plans because women tend to lose interest in anything men say fairly quickly. First popularized by Scrubs when Carla walked in on all the male staff watching Carla and Turk's nanny for Izzy on the television. Carla walks in, and all the men enter the Seamless Collaborative Guy Lie Zone.
“And then every male in the room felt totally in sync, resulting in the rarest of all phenomenon - the seamless collaborative guy lie.”— J.D.'s narration
“Hey baby, what are you guys watching?”— Carla
“Football.”— Turk
(Everyone agrees)
“Football? Isn't the season over?” -Carla
“And then every male in the room felt totally in sync, resulting in the rarest of all phenomenon - the seamless collaborative guy lie.”— J.D.'s narration
“The American season is over, we were watching Mexican Football.”— Keith
“They started late this year.”— Doug
“Because of the churro vendors.”— Todd
“They went on strike and the players wouldn't cross the picket line.”— Ted
“When the dispute turned violent, they called in Rodrigo Vasquez, the owner of the Baja Panditos to step in.”— J.D.
“Thanks to señor Vasquez' experience dealing with the fruit pickers unions, he was able to broker a last minute deal and the season was salvaged.”— Dr. Kelso
“And that's why we're watching football in the spring.”— Turk
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