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strip club tired

A specialized fatigue that follows a visit to a strip club.

Jesse nearly fell asleep while driving home because he was strip club tired.

by DBFeral April 23, 2007

22👍 3👎

Two beer tired

The tiredness experienced after having only two beers and needing a third to turn up.

I'm two beer tired let's turn it up and go hard tonight.

by Matt&Lucy April 3, 2015

Canadian Tire money

'Money' issued by the Canadian retail chain Canadian Tire as part of a customer loyalty program (similar to trading stamps). Notes of Canadian Tire Money are engraved, and have the feel of real money, although the notes are smaller than Canadian legal tender. Because of the wide presence of Canadian Tire stores across Canada, some other businesses in Canada will accept it as payment, and some Canadian eBay sellers also accept it. A widely known urban legend in Canada is the Canadian tourist (visiting the United States or elswhere) that convinces someone that Canadian Tire money is Canada's national currency, and uses it to pay off a debt.

The Ontarian will accept Canadian Tire money for payment of classified ads.

by avgfhadsfkjbvhadsfjhbv October 6, 2006

169👍 47👎

Grap on my tired

Internet message board member "Chinaman" first used this expression to explain grip on his tire... however, the term evolved and now is used to make fun of unsuspecting n00bs that can't speak English properly.

N00b: "I can't wont go"
Member: "Grap on my tired!"

by brucelee February 26, 2005

36👍 8👎

I’m so tired

An expression used to denote when someone is “fed-up” or sick of something and/or doesn’t want to hear any more about it

Person 1: “Laura said all men are pigs again for the 8th time today”

Person 2: I’m so tired

by vladislav January 29, 2018

texas tire shop

a Texas tire shop is when you bring someone into the garage and check how much shit is stored in their anal cavity.

Fuck, I took Becky to the Texas Tire Shop yesterday. She was long overdue.

by DanielTheSquid October 25, 2015

Kill all tires

To slay or to destroy tires in an aggressive fashion, Ex: drifting, burnouts, hooning, etc.

The man exclaimed “kill all tires!” And while he shredded his 240sx

by Slapgod May 11, 2019