Cute dorky gamer boy who likes anime
Wow that kid is such a Tristan
Guys with this name have a huge ass dick
"That guy has a Tristan type dick bro"
He's a very cool, chill, attractive ;) and he has a large weener.
Girl 1: '' Look it's Tristan
Girl 2: '' He's so attractive, what a hottie
tristan is a tiny baby of a human being. Tristan fucking sucks at rocket league but for some reason he is good when he isn't on your team. Fuck you tristan
Me:Tristan you fucking suck
Tristan: *makes unintelligible noises*
A retarded asshole who rapes skunks
The Tristan just fucked a rabbit.
A Jew whomst gang gangs everyday, blows smoke like fog machine and flexes on niggas with a beat of Timb wallet
"Is that THE nigga Tristan?"
"Hell yeah gang shit"